Fair Housing Rules Regarding Families & Children

SFAA & CAA are proud to partner and present this on demand webinar. State and federal fair housing laws prohibit discrimination against families with children under 18. In addition to prohibiting an outright denial of housing to families with children, fair housing laws also prohibit housing providers from imposing unreasonable requirements or conditions on tenants with custody of children, such as:

  • Supervision requirements
  • Rules that prohibit children-specific activities (such as playing or riding bikes)
  • Age restrictions for use of amenities
  • Occupancy standards

This webinar will address the types of policies that are most likely to pose a familial status fair housing issue, and how to develop policies that effectively serve legitimate interests of housing providers without violating fair housing laws.


Instructor: David Semel, Fried, Williams & Grice Conner, LLP


Fee: $45 Member $65 Non Member.

For more information contact Maria Shea at 415-255-2288 x110 or [email protected]
10/8/2024 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

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